International Trademark Association Hosts a Record-Breaking Meeting in Seattle

International Trademark Association Hosts a Record-Breaking Meeting in Seattle

When the group held its 140th annual meeting in the Emerald City, it brought thousands of visitors from more than 150 countries to the destination.

Photo: Nick Hall Photography

When the International Trademark Association came to Seattle to host its 140th Annual Meeting, May 19-23 this year, the organization broke new records. During the five-day event, more than 10,900 delegates — including brand owners and government officials — from more than 150 countries around the world met at the Washington State Convention Center, which was lighted orange, the group’s signature color, for the occasion. Not only did the organization see the highest attendance in the history of the event, but they brought record-breaking business to the destination.

Entrance at WSCC

“INTA had a record-breaking number of known affiliated events in Seattle — more than 285 of them took place during the conference,” Katy Willis, director of convention services for Visit Seattle, tells PCMA. “It’s safe to say that nearly every venue and restaurant in downtown Seattle was chock-full with INTA business. Some venues turned their spaces two to three times a day to accommodate the group’s needs.”

The organization utilized several unique event spaces throughout the city, including the Showbox — located in the center of downtown and accommodating up to 1,100 guests — where INTA hosted a private concert with Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. The group also used the Museum of Pop Culture and Chihuly Garden and Glass, an environmentally friendly and innovative event space, where it hosted more than 4,000 attendees at its Grand Finale Seattle Center Block Party. Overall, INTA’s estimated economic impact on Seattle was $20 million.

“When we bring such a large and global contingent to a city, it is critical that our registrants feel welcome and comfortable, and obtain assistance in getting oriented. Seattle offered that, and more,” says Etienne Sanz de Acedo, INTA’s CEO. “And, in return, by holding our Annual Meeting here, it gave us great pleasure to be able to pump an estimated $20 million back into the economy of this vibrant city.”

Buskers welcome INTA attendees

Not only was this year’s Annual Meeting the organization’s largest to date, but more than 65 percent of the guests were international. In order to help delegates navigate the destination, the organization collaborated with the Downtown Seattle Association’s (DSA) Park & Safety Ambassador program. A 30-person Ambassador team assisted attendees with directions and acted as an information resource, recommending restaurants and helping them get transportation. In addition, 31 official hotels and the Seattle Center displayed welcome signs in their lobbies, and staff wore special INTA welcome buttons.

“The ambassador program has been in place through DSA for several years,” says Willis. “However, this is the first convention where we reached out and asked DSA to partner with us to create a welcoming environment throughout the downtown core on the key conference dates. We were grateful to the 30 ambassadors who donned INTA orange buttons to be easily recognized.”

It also helped attendees that Seattle’s downtown is compact and easily walkable. “Being downtown also takes the convention experience to a whole new level for planners,” says Willis, “making it easy for them to ensure that guests can access the convention center without commissioning additional, complicated, and costly transportation solutions. More than that though, guests have the city at their feet by being downtown. A five-minute walk gives them access to iconic destinations, such as the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, and the Seattle Art Museum.”

Visit Seattle & Seattle Music Commission arranged professional musicians along the Pike/Pine corridor downtown

Also for INTA’s Annual Meeting, the city’s Westlake Park began its summer programming early, bringing food trucks and other vendors downtown. And in order to showcase Seattle’s diverse music culture, Visit Seattle & Seattle Music Commission arranged for professional musicians to be strategically placed along the Pike/Pine corridor downtown.

“Although no secret to those who live and work here, meeting planners never cease to comment on the truly walkable and vibrant downtown core,” says Willis. “Meetings in Seattle satisfy both meeting planner objectives with well-appointed meeting facilities and attendees’ appetite for ‘bleisure’ travel, allowing them to enjoy the destination for both business and leisure.”

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Balikpapan—Humas: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Dengan ini peluncuran e-court Mahkamah Agung menuju peradilan elektronik saya nyatakan dibuka secara resmi.”

Demikian kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh Ketua Mahkamah Agung, YM Prof. DR. H. Muhammad Hatta Ali, SH., MH saat meluncurkan aplikasi e-court di Hotel Novotel, Balikpapan, Jum’at (13/07/2018) kemaren.

Aplikasi e-court merupakan pelaksanaan dari Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 tentang Administrasi Perkara Secara Elektronik di Pengadilan. Aplikasi ini, sebagaimana disampaikan Ketua Mahkamah Agung, terdiri dari tiga fitur utama, yakni pendaftaran perkara (e-filing), pembayaran panjar uang perkara (e-payment) dan penyampaian pemberitahuan dan pemanggilan persidangan secara elektronik (e-summons).

Merubah Praktek Pelayanan Keperkaraan

Dalam sambutannya, Hatta Ali menjelaskan bahwa jika aplikasi e-court ini bisa berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, maka secara fundamental akan mengubah praktek pelayanan keperkaraan di pengadilan dan membawa peradilan Indonesia satu langkah lagi mendekati praktek  peradilan di negara maju. Hal ini disebabkan karena jangkauan aplikasi ini juga merambah pada pelaksanaan persidangan secara elektronik (e-litigation).

“Perma Nomor 3 Tahun 2018 sudah memungkinkan pengiriman berkas yang tidak hanya terbatas pada berkas permohonan dan gugatan, namun juga terhadap jawaban, replik, duplik, dan kesimpulan, yang berarti payung hukum persidangan secara elektronik (E-Litigation) sudah disediakan”, ungkap Hatta Ali menjelaskan.

Terkait dengan penerapannya, di bagian lain sambutannya, Hatta Ali menjelaskan bahwa untuk tahap awal aplikasi ini akan diujicobakan pada 32 (tiga puluh dua) pengadilan dalam lingkungan peradilan umum, agama dan TUN terpilih. Setelah itu akan dilakukan evaluasi dan perbaikan-perbaikan jika dipandang perlu.

“Paling lambat satu tahun terhitung hari ini, fasilitas ini harus sudah bisa dimanfaatkan di seluruh pengadilan”, jelas Hatta Ali.

Telekonferensi dengan Tiga Pengadilan Percontohan

Setelah melakukan peluncuran aplikasi e-court, Ketua Mahkamah Agung dengan didampingi oleh pimpinan Mahkamah Agung lainnya melakukan percakapan langsung jarak jauh dengan pimpinan tiga pengadilan percontohan, yakni Pengadilan Negeri Surabaya, Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat dan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat.

Selain melihat secara langsung proses registrasi perkara dari aplikasi e-court ke dalam aplikasi sistem informasi penelusuran perkara (SIPP) yang dipergunakan untuk pengelolaan perkara di pengadilan, Hatta Ali juga menanyakan kesiapan pengadilan yang bersangkutan untuk mengimplementasikan e-court.

Di bagian lain, Hatta Ali juga berdialog dengan beberapa kuasa hukum yang kebetulan mendaftarkan perkara secara elektronik di ketiga pengadilan tersebut. Hatta Ali menanyakan manfaat yang didapatkan oleh kuasa hukum dengan adanya aplikasi e-court ini.

Selain kemudahan akses dan memudahkan untuk mengatur kegiatan persidangan, aplikasi ini dinilai lebih murah karena meniadakan komponen biaya panggilan untuk penggugat. “Biaya perkara menjadi lebih murah, Yang Mulia”, ujar kuasa hukum yang mendaftarkan perkara di Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat.

Di bagian akhir telekonferensi, Hatta Ali berpesan kepada pimpinan pengadilan percontohan agar melaksanakan proses ini dengan sebaik-baiknya dan para admin yang menanganinya agar tetap fokus pada pelayanan keperkaraan secara elektronik. (Humas/Mohammad Noor/foto pepy)

Sumber : ( )




Humas-Jakarta : Mahkamah Agung RI terus bergerak cepat melakukan reformasi sistem peradilan secara menyeluruh khususnya melakukan implementasi teknologi informasi dalam sistem peradilan. Ketua Mahkamah RI Baru saja meluncurkan secara resmi aplikasi elektronik Court atau E-Court pada hari Jumat (13/7) yang lalu di Balikpapan. Kedepan Mahkamah Agung akan mengembangkan aplikasi e-court khusus untuk perkara pidana.

Demikian dikatakan oleh Sekretaris Mahkamah Agung RI Achmad Setyo Pudjoharsoyo menanggapi pertanyaan peserta lokakarya media yang dilaksanakan atas kerjasama Mahkamah Agung, EU-UNDP SUSTAIN dan dewan Pers di Balitbang Diklat Kumdil Mahkamah Agung RI, Mega Mendung, Kabupaten Bogor, selasa (17/7).

“setelah terbitnya Perma Nomor 3 tahun 2018 tentang Adminitsrasi perkara secara elektonik yang dikhususkan untuk perkara perdata di Peradilan Umum, Peradilan Agama, Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara dan tata usaha Militer, Kedepan perkara pidana pun akan kita buat aplikasi serupa, Permanya sedang dalam kajian tim biro hukum dan Humas MA” katanya

Secara substansi aplikasi E-Court lanjut Achmad Setyo Pudjoharsoyo dibuat oleh Mahkamah Agung agar masyarakat pencari keadilan dapat mendapatkan layanan pengadilan yang mudah. Dengan layanan E-court masyarakat mendapatkan efesiensi dalam proses administrasi berperkara di Pengadilan. “banyak yang terpangkas dengan aplikasi E-Court ini, diantaranya waktu, biaya dan tenaga sehingga sangat menguntungkan bagi para pencari keadilan dan aparatur pengadilan sendiri,” katanya.

E-Court Untuk Perorangan

Sebagai langkah awal, saat ini layanan E-Court Mahkamah Agung baru bisa diimplementasikan pada pengguna pengacara atau advokat terdaftar, namun kedepan ruang lingkup penggunanya akan diperluas untuk perorangan terdaftar, sehingga layanan kemudahan ini dapat dinikmati oleh semua kalangan.

“sementara ini ruang lingkup pengguna aplikasi E-Court hanya terbatas Advokat terdaftar saja, tetapi kedepan ruang lingkupnya akan diperluas kepada perorangan terdaftar sebagaimana yang diatur dalam pasal 4 ayat (1) Perma Nomor  3 Tahun 2018, yang penting mampu mengoperasikan internet” ungkap Achmad Setyo Pudjoharsoyo.

Sekretaris Mahkamah Agung tidak menampik bahwa masih ada kekurangan-kekurangan dalam mewujudkan reformasi peradilan dengan teknologi informasi, namun ia mengatakan bahwa seluruh pimpinan dan aparatur pengadilan di bawahnya telah berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan pelayanan untuk mewujudkan misi Mahkamah Agung.

Ia mengatakan bahwa dengan adanya dukungan teknologi infomasi di peradilan dapat meminimalisir segala penyimpangan aparatur peradilan, sebab dengan teknologi informasi kesempatan masyarakat untuk bertatap muka langsung dengan aparatur peradilan semakin tertutup.

“faktanya dengan E-Court, orang bisa mengajukan permohonan atau gugatan ke Pengadilan tanpa harus datang ke pengadilan, sehingga peluang penyimpangan dari kedua belah pihak semakin dipersempit, bahkan kedepan kita harapkan salinan putusan bisa dikirimkan oleh pengadilan kepada masyarakat via elektronik (red : email )” pungkasnya. (Abdurrahman rahim)




  • Copyright shall mean an exclusive right for an Author or the recipient of the right to publish or reproduce his Work or to grant permission for said purposes, without decreasing the limits according to the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • Author shall mean a person or several persons jointly upon whose inspiration a Work is produced, based on the intellectual ability, imagination, dexterity, skill or expertise manifested in a distinctive form and is of a personal nature.
  • Work shall mean any result of works of an Author, which shows originality in the field of science, arts and literature.
  • Copyright Holder shall mean the Author as the Owner of the Copyright, or any person who receives the right from the Author, or any other person who subsequently receives the right from the aforesaid person.
  • Publication shall mean the reading, broadcasting, exhibition, sale, distribution or dissemination of a Work, by utilising whatever means including the Internet, or by any manner so that such Work is capable of being read, heard or seen by any other person.
  • Reproduction means to increase the number of a Work, either as a whole or its substantial parts using either the same or different material, including the changing of the form or mode of a work permanently or temporarily.


  • Industrial Design shall mean a creation on the shape, configuration, or the composition of lines or colors, or lines and colors, or the combination thereof in a three or two dimensional form which gives aesthetic values and can be realized in a three or two dimensional pattern and can be used to produce a product, good or an industrial commodity and a handy craft.
  • Designer shall mean a person or several persons who produce an industrial design.
  • Application shall mean the application for registration of industrial design that is filed at the Directorate General.
  • Applicant shall mean the party who files the application.
  • Right of Industrial Design shall mean an exclusive right granted by the State of the Republic of Indonesia to a designer for his creation for a given period to exploit his creation by himself or to give permission to another party to do so.


  • Mark shall mean a sign in the form of a picture, name, word, letters, figures, composition of colors, or a combination of said elements, having distinguishing features and used in the activities of trade in goods or services.
  • Trade Mark shall mean a mark that is used on goods traded by a person or by several persons jointly or a legal entity to distinguish the goods from other goods of the same kind.
  • Service Mark shall mean a mark that is used for services traded by a person or by several persons jointly or a legal entity to distinguish the services from other services of the same kind.
  • Collective Mark shall mean a mark that is used on goods and/or services having the same characteristics that are traded jointly by several persons or legal entities to distinguish the goods and/or services from others of the same kind.
  • Application shall mean the application for registration of a mark that is filed in writing at the Directorate General.
  • Applicant shall mean the party that files an application.
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